Thursday, 5 December 2013

Uh oh.

How much have i failed at blogging? Actually, don't answer that.

I've been really bad and i only have myself to blame. I was thinking stupid things like "But people aren't going to like it!" and "No body will even know it's there!", but that's just ruddy stupid. It's time to start caring less about what other people think, and more about what I enjoy. Now that is a sentence to live by!

Anyway, i'm still just as obsessed with beauty, and fashion, and everything else, i've just been a lot less vocal about it. And hopefully (fingers crossed) now i've got my fancy new laptop, i will make this into a more regular thing. If i find something i love it will be on here, even if there isn't a fancy background or fantastic lighting, sorry!

But anyway, i will see you soon with a post about something i love!

Lots of love,

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